He is a god of the daylight sky. He is active during the day and the Sun is his shining eye. Together with MOTHER EARTH he created the THUNDER GOD.
Words describing his real name are mostly related to the word GOD in most of the Indo-European languages.
Mycenaean Greek: Diwe, Diwo, Difei
Lydian: 𐤣𐤦𐤥𐤦 (diwi)
Russian: ди́во (dívo)
Czech: div
Polish: Dziw, Dziwo
Latgalian: Dīvs, Dīws
Latin: dīvus (feminine: dīva, neuter: dīvum) ("of or belonging to a deity; divine godlike, godly")
Sanskrit: देव (Devá)
Old Prussian: Deiwas
Lithuanian: Dievas
Vedic: Dyáuṣ Pitṛ́ ("God Father")
Gaulish: Dēuos
Roman: Deus
Armenian: դեւ (dew), դիք (dikʰ)
Cornish: dew
Proto-Germanic: Tiwaz
Luwian: Tiwas tatiš ("God Father")
Finnish: taivas
Estonian: Taevataat, taevas, Uku
English: Tiw
Old English: Tir
Old Norse: Tyr
Greek: Zeus
Lycian: 𐊈𐊆𐊇 (ziw, ziv, zif)
Albanian: Zojz, Zot
German: Ziu
Illyrian: Dei-Pátrous
Gaelic: Dia
Etruscan: Tinia, Tinh, Tins (Dinia, maybe from "day")
Thracians: Dionysus
Phrygians: Sabazios
Roman: Jupiter
Roman: Caelus (Kailus) ("Sky, Heaven")
Umbrian: Jupater
Slavic: Svarog
Slavic: Bog
Irish: Dagda
Hittite: Attas Isanus nepišaš Ištanu
Ancient Greek: Οὐρανός (Ouranos) ("Sky, Heaven")
Sudovian: Ockopirmus
Old Prussian: Occopirmus Ukkapirmas
Finnish: Ukko
Moksha: Viarde Skai
"All the Gauls assert that they are descended from the god Dis, and say that this tradition has been handed down by the Druids. For that reason they compute the divisions of every season, not by the number of days, but of nights; they keep birthdays and the beginnings of months and years in such an order that the day follows the night." - Julius Caesar