She is a goddess of the fertile earth. Together with SKY FATHER she created the THUNDER GOD.
Words describing her real name are mostly related to the word MOTHER in most of the Indo-European languages.
She is associated with a female cow.
Norse: Jörð
Germanic: Nerthus
Roman: Tellus Mater
Roman: Terra Mater
Vedic: Prithvi Mata ("the Vast One")
Hindu: Bhūmī-Devī
Greek: Gaia
Greek: Ῥέα (Rhea)
Greek: Demeter
Mycenean Greek: Ma-ga ("Mother Gaia")
Slavic: Ziemia
Etruscan: Semia Semla
Greek: Σεμέλη (Semélē)
Phrygian: Σεμέλη (Semélē)
Thracian: Zemele
Lithuanian: Žemelė
Lithuanian: Žemyna
Sudovian: Puschkayts (Puškaīts)
Lithuanian: Pušaitis Puszajtis
East Slavic: Мокошь (Mokosh, Mokoš)
Prithu, an incarnation of Viṣṇu, milked her when she was in cow's form.
Germanic Nerthus was driven in a cart drawn by female cattle (heifers). Norse primeval cow Auðumbla might be connected to her.
Sanskrit "वराह (Varāha)" meaning "boar" and etymologically most probably connected to WOlf is the avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu who takes the form of a boar to rescue goddess earth. Varaha is listed as third in the Dashavatara, the ten principal avatars of Vishnu.
When the demon Hiranyaksha tormented the earth (personified as the goddess Bhudevi) and its inhabitants, she sinked into the primordial waters. Vishnu took the form of the Varaha and descended into the depths of the oceans to rescue her. Varaha slew the demon and retrieved the Earth from the ocean, lifting her on his tusks, and restored Bhudevi to her place in the universe.
The rescued earth lifted by Varaha is often depicted as a young woman called Bhudevi. The earth may also be depicted as a mass of land balanced on his tusk.
She lay with Heaven and bore deep-swirling Oceanus ("Sea"), Coeus ("Questioning") and Crius ("Ram") and Hyperion ("The High-One") and Iapetus ("the Piercer"), Theia ("Goddess", Deia) and Rhea ("Earth"), Themis ("Law, Order") and Mnemosyne ("Memory") and gold-crowned Phoebe ("Shining") and lovely Tethys ("Fresh Water"). After them was born Kronos (Cronus) ("Harvest, Time") the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children, and he hated his lusty sire.