She is connected to the DAWN GODDESS and she might be her daughter.
There could be more than one Fate Goddess. In a plural form they are considered to be sisters. They could also be called sisters of each human being because they create everyone's fate. The third Fate Goddess always decides on the matters of one's death.
Often depicted as weavers of a tapestry on a loom, with the tapestry itself dictating the destinies of men.
Norse: Norns: Urðr Verðandi Skuld
Greek: Moirai: Clotho Lachesis Atropos
Roman: Parcae (Parkai): Nona Decima Morta
Hittite: Gulšeš (Gul-Šeš): Ištuštaya (Ešduštaya) Papaya
Luwian: Darawanzi Daraweš
Palaic: Gulzanigaš Gulzannikeš Gulzikannikeš
Hurrian: Hudena Hudellura Hutena and Hutellura
Latvian: Laima Kārta Dēkla
Lithuanian: Deivės Valdytojos: Laima Dalia Giltinė
Albanian: Ora Zana Fatia Mirai
Russian: Zorya Utrennaya Zorya Vechernaya Dola Rozhanitsy
Polish: Zorze Zarzyce Dola
South Slavic: Rodjenice Sudice Narŭčnici
Gaulish: Matres Matronae Suleviae
Irish: Brigid
In Latvian mythology, Laima and her sisters, Kārta and Dēkla, were a trinity of fate deities, similar to the Norse Norns or the Greek Moirai. Laima makes the final decision on individual's fate and is considerably more popular. While all three of them had similar functions, Laima is the Goddess of luck and is more related with mothers and childbirth, Dēkla is in charge of children, and Kārta holds power over the adult's life. In modern Dievturi these three goddesses are referred to as the three Laimas, indicating they are the same deity in three different aspects. Birth rituals at the end of the 19th century included offerings of hen, sheep, towels or other woven materials to Laima. Only women could participate in the ritual, performed in a sauna (pirtis).
In Albanian mythology the Mirai are: e Bardha (The White One), she distributes good luck and wishes humans well, e Verdha (The Yellow One), who distributes bad luck and casts evil spells, and e Zeza (The Black One), who decides about the matters of death.
One Old Hittite ritual KUB 29.1 (CTH 414) mentions the Fate Goddesses: "Only Išduštaya and Papaya, the primeval goddesses of the Netherworld, the daughters-in-law, are kneeling... one holds a distaff, they hold full spindles. They are spinning the years of the king. The shortness of the years, their calculation can not be seen."[1].
The three Slavic Zorya sisters appear in the first season (E01 and E02) of the TV Series "American Gods".